Compassion Fatigue: How To Take Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Everyone Else

Most likely everyone in your life knows you’re a natural caregiver. Maybe you do it professionally for several patients. Maybe you take care of your aging parents. Or, maybe you’ve just taken care of everyone in your family for years, so everyone expects it. Most people who take care of everyone else are naturally empathetic. However, after weeks, months, or even years of taking care of everyone (and everything), it can start to take its toll.

It’s not uncommon for caregivers to experience burnout. That can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. But, compassion fatigue is different from burnout and can be far more serious.

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Is It Time to Share Your Trauma History With Someone? – A Trauma Therapist’s Thoughts

No matter how long ago you went through a traumatic experience, it isn’t always easy to talk about. That can be especially true if you’re trying to figure out when to share your trauma history with a romantic partner or someone else close to you…

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How to Know if You’re Ready to Date When You Have a History of Trauma

When you have a history of trauma, especially if you were in relationships that were emotionally/physically/sexually abusive, you likely find it difficult to trust other people and hard to form new relationships. This understandably makes dating very challenging…

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Why Trauma Therapy Is So Effective

When you have experienced trauma, whether it was a one-time situation or chronic, repeated traumatic events, it can be overwhelming and painful. You may not know how to fully process what you’ve been through, which makes it easy for the trauma to “take over” your thoughts and feelings…

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